
Menu Plan: September 13 - September 19

Our city has several farmers markets, mostly on Saturday and Sunday, one on Wednesday.  However we're surrounded by two counties that have a plethora of farmers markets, and better web designers.  One of the counties has an online list of the markets by different days of the week, by location, and even by vendors.  Pick your day, or whichever one is in the location of where else you might be on a particular day, or by which vendor carries whatever ingredient you need for your recipe.

I've been blowing right past the neighborhood farmers market on my way to the neighboring county's farmers market on Saturday mornings.  The neighborhood market is quite small and the prices are higher than in the next county.  Some of the same vendors have simultaneous booths at both markets, but better prices and selection in the next county.

Sunday is the day for a family meeting to discuss what everyone would like to eat during the coming week based on what's in season.  The executive chef (moi) has veto power, as it should be.  This is what will be on the table this week.
  • Monday

    • Breakfast: boiled eggs and toast
    • Supper: baked ziti, salad

  • Tuesday

    • Breakfast: choice of cereal
    • Supper: black-eyed peas, rice pilaf, orange beets, cornbread (double recipe, freeze one to use in Thanksgiving dressing)

  • Wednesday

    • Breakfast: homemade cinnamon-raisin bread
    • Supper: borsht and hearty homemade bread (save half loaf)

  • Thursday

    • Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar
    • Supper: Welch rabbit (use half loaf from Wednesday), steamed broccoli

  • Friday

    • Breakfast: bagels and cream cheese or cinnamon toast
    • Supper: tuna casserole, salad

  • Saturday

    • Breakfast: bacon, choice of egg, grits, toast
    • Supper: potluck (see what's left in fridge)

  • Sunday

    • Breakfast: waffles, sausage
    • Dinner: pot roast, mashed potatoes, English peas, homemade dinner rolls
Did you notice that Sunday is dinner not supper?  That's because I was raised in the South.  Dinner is the meal that occurs around noontime.  It was traditionally the biggest meal of the day, regardless of the day. 

The roast gets thrown in the oven before heading out to church and the dough is left to rise next to the hot oven.  Afterwards it doesn't take too long to finish everything up. 

What's on your menu for the week?

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